Meet Caitlin
I am a mom to two very busy children, a lover of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, a voracious reader, a writer, a year-round CSA subscriber, and a fitness enthusiast.
I believe that everyone has the power and ability to take control and optimize their health.
I believe wellness is multi-faceted, including sleep patterns, food and dieting history, health as a child, stress levels, life satisfaction.
I believe that optimal health is not merely addressing symptoms but finding the root cause.
I believe we should all have a relationship with the people who grow our food, especially children, whenever possible. Children who help grow or prepare food are more likely to develop long-term healthy eating habits.
I believe health begins in the gut, and the power of fermented foods cannot be overlooked.
Bachelor of Arts, English Literature University of California at Santa Barbara 2004
Master of Science in Nutrition, California Polytechnic University at san luis obispo 2011
California Polytechnic Dietetic Internship Program 2010-2011 (completion of at least 1200 hours supervised practice)
Advanced Training/Certification
Food As Medicine Training Program 2014
Integrative and Functional Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) Certificate of Training 2015
Aviva Romm’s Women’s Integrative Medicine institute Certificate of training 2019